Guelph Family Dentistry - Guelph

Fluoride Treatment in Guelph

Fluoride treatment helps to strengthen your tooth enamel, providing a robust defense against decay and cavities, especially for your molars. This treatment is essential for maintaining healthy teeth and preventing dental issues.
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Protecting Your Teeth From the Very Start

Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride treatment is especially beneficial for children. As their adult teeth come in, fluoride helps fight tooth decay through a process called remineralization. Plaque and certain foods can erode tooth enamel by stripping away essential minerals. Fluoride treatments halt and reverse this damage, resulting in stronger, decay-resistant enamel.

Dental Sealants

Molars have intricate grooves and fissures on their chewing surfaces that easily trap plaque and food particles, making them difficult to clean thoroughly. When children’s new molars emerge, applying dental sealants becomes crucial. Sealants create a protective barrier over these vulnerable areas, keeping debris out and preventing decay. This shield ensures better protection for your child’s natural teeth, promoting long-term oral health.

Why Opt for Sealants and Fluoride?

The Canadian Dental Association (CDA) highlights the importance of sealants as part of a comprehensive preventive dental program. This program also includes nutritional counseling, optimal fluoride exposure, good oral hygiene, and regular dental check-ups. The CDA recommends the use of sealants on both primary and permanent teeth, based on a risk assessment and diagnosis by a dentist. Sealants, combined with other preventive measures, play a vital role in maintaining long-term oral health and preventing tooth decay.

Reduce Tooth Sensitivity

Enamel is the outer layer of a tooth, protecting the underlying dentin, pulp, and nerve. Dentin provides structural support but doesn’t guard the nerve against temperature changes or acidic and sticky foods. When enamel wears thin, teeth become more sensitive. Fluoride treatments and dental sealants help keep enamel strong and intact, ensuring it continues to shield the sensitive dentin from external factors.

Prevent and Reverse Decay

When enamel is worn down, it can lead to decay and the formation of cavities. Exposed dentin increases the risk of infection, which can be extremely painful and may necessitate a root canal. In addition to causing sensitivity, compromised enamel can continue to deteriorate. Fluoride treatments help rebuild and strengthen enamel, while sealants shield problem areas from plaque build-up, preventing further decay and fortifying teeth.

Save Money in the Long Run

Investing in preventive measures like fluoride treatments and sealants can save you from more expensive procedures down the road. These treatments are relatively inexpensive and can prevent tooth decay from progressing, avoiding the need for costly dental work in the future. An ounce of prevention now is truly worth a pound of cure tomorrow.

The Fluoridation and Sealant Process

Fluoride treatments are typically part of your child’s annual dental cleaning and exam, helping to strengthen their teeth and prevent decay. Sealants are applied as needed, often when new molars come in or if the dentist identifies vulnerable areas on a tooth’s biting surface. These preventive measures are essential for maintaining your child’s oral health and protecting their teeth from future problems.

Fluoride Treatment

Our professionally administered fluoride treatment is more potent than over-the-counter options, ensuring better protection for your teeth. We typically apply a foam or gel fluoride using upper and lower trays. This quick and straightforward procedure is done right after your teeth cleaning and takes only a few minutes. To maximize the treatment’s effectiveness, we recommend not eating or drinking for 30 minutes afterward.

Dental Sealant Application

The application of dental sealants is both painless and drill-free. The process begins with cleaning and drying the tooth, followed by the application of a mild acidic gel to slightly roughen the surface. The sealant is then pressed into the tooth’s grooves and hardened with a blue light. This ensures a comfortable, natural-feeling bite and enhanced protection against decay.

Contact Us Today

to schedule an initial consultation & exam.

During your consultation, we’ll conduct a comprehensive examination of your teeth, gums, and soft tissues, as well as your bite’s shape and condition. Our goal is to assess the overall look and function of your mouth before planning your treatment. We prioritize understanding your smile’s health and aesthetic, along with your personal goals, to create a tailored plan that helps you achieve your desired outcome.

Frequently Asked Questions

It is advised to avoid eating or drinking for 30 minutes after a fluoride treatment to ensure the fluoride fully absorbs into your teeth. This waiting period enhances the treatment’s effectiveness by strengthening your enamel and offering optimal protection against decay. Consuming food or beverages too soon can wash away the fluoride, diminishing its benefits.

Fluoride treatments are typically quick and efficient, usually taking just a few minutes to complete. After a routine teeth cleaning, the fluoride is applied in the form of foam or gel using trays that fit over your teeth. The entire process, from application to completion, is generally brief, making it a convenient addition to your regular dental visit.

Yes, fluoride treatments are safe when applied correctly. Dentists use controlled amounts to strengthen enamel and prevent decay. For those with specific health concerns, it’s best to consult with your dentist to ensure fluoride treatment is suitable.

Dental sealants are designed to last for several years, typically up to 10 years. Their lifespan can be extended with good oral care and regular visits to your dentist. However, they might need to be repaired or replaced if they become chipped or worn over time. Regular check-ups help ensure they continue to protect your teeth effectively.

Dental sealants are generally not noticeable once applied. They are made from a clear or tooth-coloured material that blends well with the natural colour of your teeth. This means they effectively protect your teeth without affecting your smile or appearance.

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